Perseverance Essay

Have you always wondered why people keep trying to achieve a goal even after they constantly fail? Let me explain the different reasons why people do not just give up. Perseverance can have many rewards as I will list some along with examples.
Perseverance pays off by being patient and not quitting when they fail. For example, failing but not giving up can give people new ideas which can lead to not only completing the goal, but it can provide the person with the experience and knowledge on the subject that they could not grasp beforehand. Failure has a way of making someone stronger mentally. For example, when I could not beat my game that I tried and tried for months but every time it made me stronger than before leading me to eventually beat the game. I was so happy that I jumped up and down because it made me feel like I was invincible.
Not only does perseverance make a person better, it can even lead to others wanting the same. Having perseverance can lead to many things such as, being an example to others. For example, when a kid sees someone doing good or bad things it could influence another just by seeing what someone they did. He might even say, “That’s okay” even when it may not be. While setting examples you could even turn out to be another’s role model and they might try to do everything you do. Whether you realize it or not, what you do you may rub off onto them. That’s why celebrities, musicians, sports players should live their life right and set a good example.
Therefore, people should always try to keep achieving goals in their life because they will be an inspiration and or role models to someone whether they may or may not know it. Achieving any kind of success can be a major influence on another person to finish a life long goal or continue something that they have set their mind on completing.

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